Once a screen format has been selected for design purposes an "image" of what the screen format currently looks like is presented.
The content and format of the "image" will of course vary widely according to the fields that are used on the format, so for purposes of explanation a specific example is used.
The example screen is the result of a DISPLAY command that was coded into the RDML program as:
The "image" of the screen that results from the DISPLAY command might look like this when presented by the screen design facility:
Note the following points about this example:
Using the "action" field is very simple. You enter one of the "action codes" below to indicate what you wish to do and then follow the instructions that are displayed on line 24.
When you are comfortable with using "action" codes you can then begin to work more quickly using the associated function key to reduce the number of actions that you must take to make the painter modify the screen layout.
The list of valid "action" codes and function keys for screen design is as follows: