4.15.25 Pxxx Actions for Manipulating Pop-Up Windows

These actions are used in the screen design facility only.

A number of actions can be specified to manipulate the size, shape and location of pop-up windows while working within the screen design facility. These actions are:


Used to move the current pop-up window. Enter action code PM and press enter. Then use the screen cursor to indicate the new position for the upper left hand corner of the pop-up window. The position being indicated with the cursor is the location of the uppermost left most character within the pop-up window border (even if RLTB mode is being used).

PM is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Move".


Use this action code to move the current pop-up window as  far as possible to the left hand edge of the screen image.

PML is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Move Left".


Use this action code to move the current pop-up window as  far as possible to the right hand edge of the screen image.

PMR is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Move Right".


Use this action code to move the current pop-up window as far as possible to the top (upper) edge of the screen image.

PMU is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Move Up".


Use this action code to move the current pop-up window as far as possible to the bottom (down) edge of the screen image.

PMD is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Move Down".


Use this action code to maximize/maximize the size of the pop-up window currently being displayed. The location of left hand upper corner of the pop-up is not changed, but the width and length of the pop-up are increased to fill all the rest of the screen image. In other words, the pop up is expanded to the right and downwards until it fills all available screen image space.

PMAX is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Maximize".


Use this action code to reduce the size of the pop-up window to its theoretical minimum size. The window is "trimmed down" from the right and the bottom until its minimum theoretical size has been reached. The theoretical minimum size only accounts for information in the "body" of the pop-up and it excludes title and function key areas. Later use of PWID/PLEN actions may be required to ensure that the title and function key areas (which may vary at execution time) will be correctly fitted into the pop-up. PMIN is designed to be used before a series of PWID/PLEN actions are used to define the "practical" minimum size of a pop-up window.

Warning  If the PMIN action is used last before the screen painter is exited then any subsequent use of the compiler or online full function checker (including the design only option) may reject the POP_UP command with an error stating that the window is actually too small. 

PMIN is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Minimize".


Use this repeating action code to increase the width of the current pop-up window by 1 character. When the desired width has been obtained remove PWID from the action code input area. by typing over it or using "F5=Cancel Pending" function key.

PWID is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Width (Increase)".


Use this repeating action code to increase the length of the current pop-up window by 1 line. When the desired length has been obtained remove PLEN from the action code input area by typing over it or using "F5=Cancel Pending" function key.

PLEN is an abbreviation of "Pop-Up Length (Increase)".