4.19.1 Special Entries on the Process Menu Maintenance

When the option to define, review or change special entries on the process's main menu is chosen from the process definition menu a screen similar to the example following will result:



 DC@P301601               Additional Menu Entries                      




                                       Run Time                        

 Description to display on menu        Prompt    Command to be executed















 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages                          



From the Additional Menu Entries screen it is possible to:

Input Options

The following input options apply to defining or changing a special entry on the process's main menu.

Description to Display on Menu

Specifies the description that is to be associated with the command. This description is displayed on the process's main menu and is used when choosing to execute the IBM i command. A description of the command is mandatory.

Run Time Prompt

Specifies whether or not the command should be "prompted" when it is used from the process's main menu. Allowable values are Y (prompt the command) or N (do not prompt the command).

When used, the prompt is the standard IBM CL command style prompting. Refer to the appropriate IBM supplied manual for more details.

Command to be Executed

Specifies the IBM i command that is to be executed when the entry is chosen from the process's main menu. The command should be entered exactly as it would be on the command entry display screen. See following examples for details.