Examples of Prompting

The following examples apply to using formatted and unformatted prompting when entering or amending an RDML program:

Example 1. Formatted Prompting

Starting display:

No Act  Lbl Command Parameters

 1 P   L10  REQUEST  FIELDS(#ORDER)___________________


 3 __  ___  ________ TO_FILE(ORDERS____________________

 4 __  ___  GOTO     L10_______________________________


Resulting display 1- Formatted prompt of REQUEST command:


       Formatted display request (REQUEST) Prompt     +++

Enter the following:

Fields and attributes list :  FIELDS        P

 Field name :                         #ORDER

 Field control attribute  1 :         ___________   

                          2 :         ___________  

                          3 :         ___________  

                          4 :         ___________  

                          5 :         ___________  

                          6 :         ___________  

                          7 :         ___________    

                        + for more                   

Dflt field design method:   DESIGN     P  *IDENTIFY

Dflt identification method: IDENTIFY   P  *DESIGN   

Down/vertical separation:   DOWN_SEP   P  *DESIGN    

Across/horizontal sep:      ACROSS_SEP P  *DESIGN   

Name of browse list:        BROWSELIST P  *NONE      

EXIT key control            EXIT_KEY   P

  Enable the EXIT key:                     *YES 

  If EXIT key used, goto:                  *EXIT

MENU key control            MENU_KEY   P

  Enable the MENU key:                     *YES 

  If MENU key used, goto:                  *MENU


If you make these changes:

Dflt field design method:   DESIGN     P  *IDENTIFY

Dflt identification method: IDENTIFY   P  *COLHDG    

Down/vertical separation:   DOWN_SEP   P  *DESIGN    

Across/horizontal sep:      ACROSS_SEP P  10

Name of browse list:        BROWSELIST P  *NONE      

EXIT key control            EXIT_KEY   P

  Enable the EXIT key:                     *NO

  If EXIT key used, goto:                  *EXIT

MENU key control            MENU_KEY   P

  Enable the MENU key:                     *NO

  If MENU key used, goto:                  *MENU


Resulting display 2 - Re-display of RDML program after changes:

No Act Lbl  Command_Parameters


 2 __  ____ _______ ACROSS_SEP(10)_________________

 3 __  ___  _______ EXIT_KEY(*NO) MENU_KEY(*NO)____


 5 __  ____ _______ TO_FILE(ORDERS)________________

 6 __  ___  GOTO    L10____________________________


Example 2. Unformatted Prompting

Starting display:

 No Act Lbl  Command    Parameters

  1 __  L10  REQUEST    FIELDS(#ORDER)__________________


  3 __  ___  __________ TO_FILE(ORDERS)_________________

  4 __  ___  GOTO       L10_____________________________


Resulting display 1 - Unformatted prompt of the INSERT command:

Insert new record into file (INSERT) prompt:







Resulting display 2 - User changes the command:

Insert new record into file (INSERT) prompt







Note that the insert and delete keys can be used on this prompt which allows the command parameters to be "pushed" off one line and onto the next line. This is very useful when a lot of changes must be made in the middle of the command.

Resulting display 3 - Re-display of RDML program after changes:

 No Act Lbl  Command    Parameters

  1 __  L10  REQUEST    FIELDS(#ORDER)_________________________


  3 __  ___  _________  #TOTAL #ADD1 #ADD2 #ADD3 #ADD4 #TOTLIN) 

  4 __  ___  __________ TO_FILE(ORDERS)________________________

  4 __  ___  __________ VAL_ERROR(L10)_________________________

  5 __  ___  GOTO       L10____________________________________


Note: If command key F12 is taken from the prompt screen following any changes to the command, all changes will be lost and the command will revert to its original value.

Example 3. Field List Prompting

Starting display:

 No Act Lbl  Command     Parameters

  1 F   ___  GROUP_BY    #ORDERDATA________________________


  3 __  ___  GOTO        L10_______________________________



Resulting display 1 - Field list prompt of a GROUP_BY command:

Group fields into a named list (GROUP_BY) prompt


  1     GROUP_BY   #ORDERDATA_____________________________


        __________________________________________________ +


Full/partial name of fields to be chosen from data dictionary: _____

Full/partial name of files from which fields are to be chosen: ORDERS



Resulting display 2 - Selection of fields to add to GROUP_BY command:

Group fields into a named list (GROUP_BY) prompt


  1     GROUP_BY   #ORDERDATA______________________________


        ___________________________________________________ +




Full/partial name of fields to be chosen from data dictionary:

Full/partial name of files from which fields are to be chosen: ORDERS


Sel_Field___Description__________________TypeLenDec_Selected from__

 X ORDER    Order number                  A   6   ORDERS.QGPL

 X PRODNO   Product number                A   7   ORDERS.QGPL

 X QUANTITY Quantity ordered              P   9 2 ORDERS.QGPL    +



Resulting display 3: Field list prompt of a GROUP_BY command

Group fields into a named list (GROUP_BY) prompt




               _________________________________________ +



Full/partial name of fields to be chosen from data dictionary:

Full/partial name of files from which fields are to be chosen: ORDERS


Sel Field     Description             TypeLenDec Selected from  

    ORDER     Order number              A   6   ORDERS.QGPL

    PRODNO    Product number            A   7   ORDERS.QGPL

    QUANTITY  Quantity ordered          P   9 2 ORDERS.QGPL    +



Resulting display 4 - Re-display of RDML program after changes:

 No Act Lbl  Command    Parameters

  1 __  ___  GROUP_BY   NAME(#ORDERDATA) FIELDS((#ORDER)_________

  3 __  ___  __________ (#PRODNO) (#QUANTITY))___________________


  3 __  ___  GOTO       L10______________________________________



Note - If command key F12 is taken from the prompt screen following any changes to the command, all changes will be lost and the command will revert back to its original value.

Example 4. Application Template Prompting

Starting display:

 No Act Lbl  Command    Parameters

  1 __  ___  ********** Display list of products (page_at

  2 __  ___  ********** a time) and_allow the user to____

  2 __  ___  ********** select the one required__________

  3 ET  ___  BBPAT      _________________________________



Note the use of the name BBPAT in the command column. The programmer is indicating that an Application Template called BBPAT is to be invoked by this request. The name can be omitted to cause a list of all templates to be displayed, or specified generically to cause a partial list of templates to be displayed.

Resulting display 1: Code generated by the template is inserted

Note that any "question & answer" interaction that the Application Template used is omitted from this example. Any such interaction would take place in a pop-up window overlaying the lower half of the RDML edit screen, just as it does when an application template is invoked when creating a new function.

1 __  ___  **********  Display list of products (page at____

2 __  ___  **********  at a time) andallow the user to______

4 __  ___  **********  select the one required______________

5 __  ___  __________  _____________________________________

6 __  ___  CHANGE      FIELD(#IO$KEY) TO(UP)________________


8 __  ___  EXECUTE     SUBROUTINE(PROD$DISP)________________



etc, etc...

Example 5. Copy Function Prompting

Starting display:

 No Act Lbl  Command    Parameters

  1 __  ___  DEFINE      FIELD(#ORDNO) TYPE(*CHAR) LENGTH(6)_


  3 EF  ___  DEFINE      FIELD(#QTY) TYPE(*DEC) LENGTH(9)____


Resulting display 1: Copy selection screen:


 DC@P309905          Copy RDML source by LANSA Editor                  





           Specify details of the function that you may wish           

           to copy RDML code from.                                     


             Copy all RDML code . . . .   NO      YES, NO              

             Process name . . . . . . .   XXXXXXXXXX                   

             Function name  . . . . . .   XXXXXXX                      





 F1=Help  F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F12=Cancel  F14=Messages                 



The Copy RDML source by LANSA Editor screen is requesting that you indicate whether to copy an entire or a part of a function.

If you specify YES for the Copy all RDML code input field and valid process and function names, it will copy the entire RDML code from the specified function. If you wish to copy a part of another function or to display another function specify NO for the 'Copy all RDML code' input field and valid process and function names.

The process and function names nominated for copy or display are checked for existence and access rights. If any error occurs the screen will be re-presented with an error message.

IF 'YES' is entered for the 'Copy all RDML code' input field the following screen will appear after copying the entire RDML code.

Resulting display 2 - Entire code copied from another function is inserted:


 No Act Lbl  Command     Parameters__________________________

  1 __  ___  DEFINE      FIELD(#ORDNO) TYPE(*CHAR) LENGTH(6)_


  3 __  ___  DEFINE      FIELD(#QTY) TYPE(*DEC) LENGTH(9)____

  4 __  ___  BEGINLOOP   ____________________________________

  5 __  ___  REQUEST     FIELDS(#ORDNO)______________________

  6 __  ___  INSERT      FIELDS(#ORDNO #PRODNO #QTY)_________ 

  7 __  ___  ___________ TO_FILE(ORDERS)_____________________


                   etc, etc...


If 'NO' is entered for the 'Copy all RDML code' input field, the indicated copy range will have to be entered manually by the user.

Resulting display 3 - Display/Copy RDML commands:



 DC@P309906                Display/Copy RDML Commands                  




 No Act Lbl Command     Parameters                                     

     __     **********  Beginning of RDML commands **********          

   1 __     BEGINLOOP                                                  

   2 CC     REQUEST     FIELDS(#ORDNO #PRODNO #QTY)                    


   4 __     CHANGE      #ORDNO *BLANKS                                 

   5 CC     CHANGE      #PRODNO *BLANKS                                

   6 __     ENDLOOP                                                    

     __     **********  End of RDML commands **********                



 F1=Help  F3=Exit  F12=Cancel  F14=Messages                            




This Display/Copy RDML Commands screen will show the RDML commands of the function you requested to copy or display. If you need to copy one single line, enter action code C or to copy a range indicate CC as a pair. Only C or CC are allowed for the action code.

F6 and F7 can be used to position the display at the start or end of the RDML function.

A Find string with F16 can be used to scan and position the display.

Resulting display 4 - Part of the RDML code is copied and inserted:

 No Act Lbl  Command    Parameters

  1 __  ___  DEFINE      FIELD(#ORDNO) TYPE(*CHAR) LENGTH(6)________

  2 __  ___  DEFINE      FIELD(#PRODNO) TYPE(*CHAR) LENGTH(7)_______

  3 __  ___  DEFINE      FIELD(#QTY) TYPE(*DEC) LENGTH(9)___________

  4 __  ___  REQUEST     FIELDS(#ORDNO #PRODNO #QTY)________________


  6 __  ___  CHANGE      #ORDNO *BLANKS_____________________________

  7 __  ___  CHANGE      #PRODNO *BLANKS____________________________