5.4.5 Select Task Identifier (POPUP Window)

When the Prompt key has been selected from the 'Prompt/Confirm Task Identifier' window, a popup window is used to display a list of existing task identifiers:



 :                                                             :

 :                     Select Task Identifier                  :

 : Task ID   Description                                       :

 : *TSK0327  Design A/C module database - Ref. 0327            :

 : *TSK0331  User change request - Ref. 0331                   :

 : *TSK1205  Implement new A/C module - Ref. 1205              :

 : *TSK1336  User change request - Ref. 1336                   :

 :                                                             :

 :                                                             :

 :                                                             :

 :                                                             :

 :                                                             :

 :                                                      Bottom :

 :  Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages               :

 :                                                             :


Position the cursor under the required task identifier and press Enter.

When a task identifier has been selected, you will return to the 'Prompt/Confirm Task Identifier' popup window.