5.5.5 Review Task Identifier History

When you choose option 5=Review Task ID History on the Work with Tasks menu, the Review Task Identifier History screen is displayed so that you can select objects worked on by a specific task identifier for review or for printing:


  DC@P810006             Review Task Identifier History              


  Task ID: *TSK0327 Design A/C module database - Ref. 0327 Status: WRK  

                           Position to Partition/Object . . ___ ______ 

                                             Filter by Type ________ 

  Type options, press Enter.                                           

  5=Review Object History  6=Print Object History  9=Change Task


   Opt  Partition  Object       Extension   Type      Current PC

    _      DEM     TTSDF1                   FIELD     XXXXXX

    _      DEM     TTSDF2                   FIELD              

    _      DEM     TTSFD1       DC@DEMOLIB  FILE             

    _      DEM     TTSPD1       DC@DEMOLIB  PROCESS         

    _      DEM     TTSPF1       TTSPD1      FUNCTION         

    _      DEM     TTSPF2       TTSPD1      FUNCTION         

    _      DEM     *NEXTINVOICENUMBER       SYS VAR         

    _      DEM     *MTXTORDERENTRYHDR       MULT TEXT       


  Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages  F22=ShowLong              



Position to Partition /Object

You can control the partition/object display using the 'Position to Partition /Object' to position the start of the objects displayed. The partition and object can be full or partial names. This value is case sensitive.

Some of the objects may have lower case names. For example:

Filter by Type

You can control what object types are displayed. The filter may be any of the possible types shown or various abbreviations of the type. If the filter is left blank, all types are shown.


Working from the Review Task ID History screen, enter the code representing the action you wish to take beside an object in the list. The actions you can take are:

5=Review Object History, to review the history of the object selected under this task identifier.When this option is used, a screen will be displayed in the form of a selection list to allow all the events that have taken place for an object (while worked on under a specific task identifier) to be reviewed or printed.

6=Print Object History to print the history of the object worked on under a specific task identifier. When this option is used, a report is produced listing all the events that have taken place for an object while it was worked on under a specific task identifier.

9=Change Task to change the task that the object is currently locked to. When this option is used, a screen is displayed to allow this. This screen is described in 5.5.8 Change Task for an Object.

Show Long Name for an object in the list by placing the cursor on it and pressing F22. Refer to Long Names for more details.


Indicates in which partition an object was worked on under a specific task identifier.


Is the name of the object worked on under a specific task identifier, object name can be a LANSA FIELD, FILE, FUNCTION, PROCESS, APPLICATION TEMPLATE, SYSTEM VARIABLE or MULTILINGUAL VARIABLE.


Is the extension to the object name, the extension for a FILE is the library in which the file was created, the extension for a FUNCTION is the PROCESS in which the function was created, the extension for a PROCESS is the library in which the process was created. FIELD, APPLICATION TEMPLATE, SYSTEM VARIABLE and MULTILINGUAL VARIABLE have no extension.


The kind of object that has been worked on under a specific task identifier. These may be:

When you have finished reviewing the history of a task identifier, you will be returned to the 'Work with Tasks' menu.

Current PC

Is the name of the PC that currently has the object locked, as it is known to LANSA. This will be blank if Visual LANSA is not used for development, or if the object is not currently checked out to a PC for update.