If you have elected to browse the file to choose the required records a screen similar in layout (but not content) to the following example will be displayed.
This example is for a name and address file as can be seen by the fields that are in the file.
This screen is requesting that you select the fields that are to be displayed while browsing the file. Select and order the fields by entering a number beside them. The presence of the number selects the field. The relative order of the number sequences the fields (from left to right) across the browse display.
If you select more fields than can fit on one browse line an error message will result. In this situation reduce the number of fields chosen until they will fit on one browse line. Note that it is not necessary for the entire field to fit onto the browse line, only that at least part of the field will fit onto the browse line.
Note that the key(s) of the file being browsed do not have to be included into the browse display.
In this example it can be seen that the user has elected to browse on fields DEMNAC, DEMNAM and DEMPCD and to display them in the same order.