Work with Lists of Objects to Be Exported

When the option to 'Work with lists of objects to be exported' is selected from the Housekeeping Menu, the first screen presented looks something like this:


 DC@P620001            Work with Export Lists                          


 Type options and press enter .....                                    

 1=Create       3=Copy      4=Delete        5=Review  6=Print          

7=Export        8=Merge To  9=Merge From   17=Last Action Details      



 Opt   List       Description                             System Type  

  __   _______    ______________________________________    AS/400     

  __   DIS006     Distribute basic order entry details      AS/400     

  __   AMD387     Install order entry amendments            AS/400     

  __   AMD388     Fix for problem number 3145 12/12/88      AS/400     




 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages F16=Settings             



Working from this panel you can, by entering one of the following options beside a list entry, elect to:

1=Create: creates a new list. This option is only valid on the first input line displayed. The following is a valid example of creating a new list:



 Opt  List     Description                           System Type

  1   DIS007   Distribute extension to order entry      AS/400





The list name specified must be a valid IBM i name as per the rules described in Valid Names on the IBM i in Common Input Options. A brief description of the list must also be specified.

The target system type is important and should be correctly specified. To export to the IFS, specify PC as the Target System Type.

Note: When objects are exported into the IFS, the shared folder is created with the same name as the Export List.

When the Create option is used, if the new list details are all valid, the list will be created. A menu headed 'WORK WITH EXPORT LIST' is then displayed. By working from this menu it is possible to define what is to be included in the new list. This menu is described in more detail later.

3=Copy: use this option only in conjunction with the create option. To create a new list by copying an existing list, enter the create details on the first input line, then before pressing enter, specify option 3 (to copy) beside the existing list, finally press the enter key. Only entries that are valid on the target system type of the list being created will be copied. For example if the target system type of the new list is PC and the copied list contains web components, the web components will not be copied to the new list because web components can not be exported to PC.

4=Delete: deletes an existing list. Use this option against any existing list. A screen requesting confirmation of the request will be displayed before the delete is performed.

5=Review: indicates that a list is to be reviewed and possibly altered. Use this option only against an existing list. When the REVIEW option is used a menu headed 'WORK WITH EXPORT LIST' will be displayed.

6=Print: prints details of the export list. A batch job will be submitted to print the details of the list.

7=Export: indicates that you wish to export all objects nominated in the list onto a magnetic tape or into a save file. Enter this option against any existing list shown on the display. An additional screen prompt will appear asking for details of where you wish to export to. This prompt is described in detail later.

8=Merge To: use this option only in conjunction with the Merge From option.

9=Merge From: use this option only in conjunction with the Merge To option. To merge export lists, enter 8 against one list, 9 against another list and press enter. Enter option 8 against the target list and enter option 9 against the list whose contents will be added to the target list.
Only entries that are valid on the system type of the target list will be copied. For example, if the system type of the Merge To list is PC and the Merge From list contains AS/400 (that is, IBM i) other objects, the AS/400 other objects will not be added to the target list.
Matching of objects between the lists is done by type and name of object. If an object exists in both lists the entry in the Merge To list will remain unchanged. For example, if a file exists in both the Merge To and Merge From lists but the attributes (target library, compile form, copy data) differ, the values for these attributes will be left unchanged in the Merge To list.
Matching of substitution variables between the lists is done by Substitution Variable Name. If a variable exists in both lists, the value in the Merge To list is left unchanged.

All IBM i commands to be executed before/after import will be added to the target list. If a duplicate Before/After and sequence number is found, the command from the Merge From list will be added with a new sequence number. A warning message will be issued.

17=Last Action Details: indicates that you wish to review the last action details recorded for the export list. Enter this option against any existing list shown on the display. A screen will be displayed showing the last action details. This screen is described in Online Access to Last Action Details.

F16=Settings: displays the system setting relevant to the export and import. For details, refer to Review System Settings. You will only be able to change these settings if you have access to the Administration Menu - Review System Settings.

By working from this panel it is possible to review and alter the things that are included on the export list. This menu is described in further detail later.

Note that no security exists over export lists. Any user authorized to use this facility can review and alter any export list.