Add Application Templates to the List

When the option to Add application templates to list is chosen from the Work with Export List Menu, a screen similar to the following example is used to manipulate the export list:


 DC@P620008         Add Template(s) to List           





 Enter full or partial name of the application templates to be worked  

 with or leave blank to select from all application templates .  B      


   Sel   Application Template            Description                   

    _    BASEPGM                         Basic Program Layout          

    _    BASESUB                         Basic Subroutine Layout       




 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Generic  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages             



This facility allows you to build temporary lists of LANSA application templates and display them on the screen. From the displayed list you can choose application templates to include in your export list.

Lists can be either built from all application templates, or only application templates with a specified generic name.

A displayed list may not fit on one screen. This is indicated by a '+' sign in the lower right of the screen. In such cases use the roll up and roll down keys to scroll backwards and forwards through the displayed list.

The SEL column

Application templates in the displayed list which are already included in the export list are shown with an 'X' or 'G' beside them. The 'X' or 'G' cannot be removed using this facility. Use the option Review/Delete Objects Already in the List to do this.

Enter 'Y' to choose an application template from the list to include it in the export list.

Alternatively, you may use the Generic function key to add the generic name into the export list. Generic names are described in detail in Generic Object Names.

When you have finished using this facility, use the Cancel function key to return to the Work with Export List Menu.