5.14.1 Work with Impact Lists

The 'Work with Impact Lists' option is on the Housekeeping Menu.

The initial display for the 'Work with Impact Lists' option will show existing Impact Lists and description.


DC@P410001            Work with Impact Lists          


 Type options and press enter .....                                    

 3=Copy to Export List       4=Delete           5=Review               

 6=Print 7=Copy TaskID 17=Last Action Details 32/33=Merge entries/From 


 Opt   List       Description                                          

  __   CR1234     Change Req  1234 - amend discount calculation        

  __   CR2200     Change Req. 2200 - new branch                        

  __   FSIAMT     Fred's invoice amount investigations                 






 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Add/Create  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages       



A new Impact List can be created by using the Add/Create function key. A screen requesting the input of a name and description will be displayed.

The List name must be a valid IBM i name. A brief description of the list must be specified.


Options available against a list on the 'Work with Impact Lists' screen are:

3=Copy to Export List: This option will copy the entries on the Impact List to an Export List of the same name. If the Export List does not exist, one will be created. If the Export List does exist, the existing export list entries will be overwritten. This copy requires exclusive use of both lists. You may specify the Target System Type for the export list (for example, AS/400, WIN). A screen requesting confirmation of the copy request is displayed before the copy is performed. The Export List can be worked with using the normal 'Work with list of objects to be exported' option on the Housekeeping Menu.

4=Delete: This option will delete the Impact List and all its entries and associated reasons. A screen requesting confirmation of the request will be displayed before the delete is performed. This action requires exclusive use of the list.

5=Review: This option will display the list entries. The 'Work with List Entries' screen enables entries to be added and deleted. Refer to 5.14.3 Work with Impact List Entries for details. This action requires exclusive use of the list.

6=Print: This option submits a batch job to print the Impact List. The list entries are printed. The reasons associated with each entry may optionally be printed.

7=Copy TaskID: This option allows you to select TaskIDs. Objects in the current partition which have been worked on under the selected Task Ids are added to the impact list. Refer to 5.14.2 Select Task Identifier(s) for details. This action requires exclusive use of the Impact List.

17=Last Action Details: This option will display the Last Action Details for the Impact List. This will show when the list was created and last modified.

32/33=Merge entries/From: 32 must be entered against one list and 33 against a second list. The details from the 33 list will be merged with details on the 32 list. The 33 list will be unchanged. A screen requesting confirmation of the request will be displayed.