5.14.8 Find Impact List Entries

The display of ''Find Impact List Entries'' screen will occur when a function key is used on the 'Work with List Entries' screen. The find criteria is entered on the screen and the 'Work with List Entries' screen is redisplayed with the entries which meet the criteria highlighted.
This can be used as a check to ensure all objects on an impact list have been actioned. For example, an impact list of files and functions which require changing is created. The changes are made. Then this feature can be used to check all objects have been modified and compiled.


 DC@P410017       Find Impact List Entries                             


                       Enter Operation and Value/s for search criteria


 Last Action       __ ________ __  (YYYYMMDD Action)                   







 Fnn=Help  Fnn=Exit  Fnn=Cancel  Fnn=Messages                          




The criteria is entered as an Operation (such as =) and a value.

Criteria for Find Impact List Entries search:




Last Action

EQ,= ,GT,> , GE,>=,LT,< , LE,<=,blank

The value consists of two parts, a date in YYYYMMDD format and an action. Possible combinations are: both blank (no search), both entered (search on date and action), date entered with blank action (search on date and any action).

Possible values for action: blank, AE(exported to IBM i), CI(checked in), CM(compiled), CO(checked out), CR(created), DI(Deliver To), IM(imported), MD(modified), WE(exported to workstation).