Profile and Related searches can be run in batch. The Run in Batch option available on these searches is YES or NO. YES will run the search in batch and NO will run the search interactively. YES will display a screen on which can be specified the job control values.
It is advisable to run searches in batch if the LANSA partition contains a large number of objects or large RDML functions. The searches can be run interactively but may take some time to complete. Also interactive searches will only return up to 10000 matches. There is no limit on the number of matches for batch searches.
Batch searches require exclusive use of an Impact List. Therefore the Impact List should not be reviewed or locked in any way when the batch job is expected to run.
A message with the number of matches found by batch searches will be added to the LIST object as a Reason. This message will also contain the Job Name that was used on the batch job. Therefore the use of unique and meaningful job names will help in identifying the results of several searches.