9.4.5 Change a Developer Message

Change a Developer Message allows you to change an existing developer message.

The example below shows what may result when the change key has been enabled from the "Review a Message" screen:


                        Change a Developer Message                     

     Message ID  : 012345670000001DC@PGMLIB                            

     From user   : QOTHPRDOWN  Date/Time : 27/07/91 12:22:33           

     Subject . . . . . Release Announcement                            

     To user . . . . . *ALLUSR     name, *ALLUSR                       

     Category  . . . . INF Information                                 

     Perm/Temp . . . . P  P, T  Permanent                              


     Object Name . . . __________ +                                    

       Extension . . .   __________ +                                  

     Message Text                                                      

    Attention all users:  Order Entry System will go LIVE on 15/08/91. 




    Fnn=Help  Fnn=Prompt  Fnn=Cancel                                   



Make the required changes and press Enter.

Input Options when Changing a Developer Message

These input options apply when changing an existing developer message:


Is the brief description which relates to the developer message.

To User

Is the user profile name of the user to which the developer message should be "sent to" or marked as "for the attention of". Valid entries are as follows:

The "To User" value will be validated by the user defined "User Profile validation" program which determines whether the user or group profile is valid.

Refer to 9.11 Developer Services Configuration for more information on how to define a user defined "User Profile Validation" program in the extended definition data area DC@A07.


Is the category of the developer message. The category must be a valid category code from the category code table defined within the extended information data area DC@A07.

Refer to 9.11 Developer Services Configuration for more information on how to define a user defined "Category Code" table in the extended information data area DC@A07.

If the category code for this developer message has been changed to a category code that's "Send Message Flag" is set to "Y" then the message will be sent to the user nominated in "To User" field by the user defined "Send Developer Message" program which is also specified in the extended information data area DC@A07.

If the category code's "Notify User Flag" is set to "Y" then the user will be notified of the developer message each time the object is accessed.


Is the flag that indicates whether the developer message is permanent or temporary. Valid entries are:

"P" = Permanent developer message

"T" = Temporary developer message

If a developer message is flagged as permanent, then it will remain on the system until it has been selected for deletion.

If a developer message is flagged as temporary, it will remain on the system until it has been purged, unless the developer message is changed to a permanent developer message.


Is the type of message or object for which the developer message relates to. Valid entries are:


Message relates to a specific Field


Message relates to a specific File


Message relates to a specific Function


Message relates to a specific Process


Message is a System-wide developer message which is intended to be sent from one user to another user/s.

Object Name

Is the name of the object for which the developer message relates to. If you wish to perform a search for an object then ensure the "Type" field contains a valid object type (FIELD, FILE, FUNCTION or PROCESS) and then press the Prompt function key, a pop-up window will then be displayed providing you with the option to search for and select the required object.

This field must be blank if the message type is set to "SYSTEM".


Is the object extension name of the object for which the developer message relates to.

This field must contain an entry if the message type is set to "FILE" (file library name) or "FUNCTION" (process name in which the function resides).

This field must be blank if the message type is set to "SYSTEM", "FIELD" or "PROCESS".

Message Text

Is the message text for the developer message. Up to 200 lines of message text may be entered.

When you have finished reviewing/changing the developer message details, you will be returned to the "Work with Developer Messages" screen.