The DATECHECK command is used to check if a date field is valid against one of five possible formats and optionally that the date is within a certain number of days before and/or after the current date.
Also See
7.19.2 DATECHECK Comments / Warnings
DATECHECK ---- FIELD -------- field name --------------------->
>-- IN_FORMAT ---- *SYSFMT ------------------------>
>-- BEFORE ------- 9999999 ------------------------>
numeric value
>-- AFTER -------- 9999999 ------------------------>
numeric value
>-- IF_VALID ----- *NEXT -------------------------->
>-- IF_INVALID --- *ERROR ------------------------->
>-- MSGTXT ------- *NONE -------------------------->
message text
>-- MSGID -------- DCU0006 ------------------------>
message identifier
>-- MSGF --------- DC@M01 . *LIBL ----------------->
message file . library name
>-- MSGDTA ------- substitution variables ---------|
| expandable group expression |
----- ----- 20 max ---------------