Note: Built-In Function Rules Usage Options
Returns a list of Components. All simple fields will be ignored by this BIF. This will be done by processing one of the LANSA internal tables that list the components in one of the three selection methods. It will order the components by component name if the search type is by component, or by Group and component name if the search type is by Group, or by Framework and component if the search type is by Framework.
This is a Specialized Built-In Function for use in a Development Environment only.
If all the search parameters are blank, a search by component will be assumed.
By Component
To search by component you provide a value for the Search Component argument and leave Search Framework/Group blank.
To continue loading the list with subsequent data after receiving a return code of OV, set the Search Component parameter to the value of the Last Component return value. The BIF will use this as the pointer from which to read the next set of information requested.
By Group/Framework
Note: Groups and Frameworks are no longer available with new versions of Visual LANSA.
To search by group/framework you provide a value for the Search Group/Framework parameter and leave Search Component blank.
To continue loading the list with subsequent data after receiving a return code of OV, set the Search Group/Framework and Search Component parameters to the value of Last Group/Framework and Last Component return values. The BIF will use this as the pointer from which to read the next set of information requested.
Return Values