13.1 LANSA Object Names

It is strongly recommended that you review all object naming rules.

Object Name and Identifier relationship

Each LANSA object has two names – an Identifier -(or object or short name) and long Name, simply called Name.

An Identifier is automatically generated as each object is created. You don't have to accept the generated Identifier. If you want to use your own naming convention for Identifiers, simply specify your own identifier as you create the object. The LANSA Editor's Options has an option to display the Identifier on all dialogs. With this option selected, all Editor windows will display the Identifier (or object name).

In an:

Where a LANSA Guide uses the term "object name", either a long name or an identifier may be used and which one to use is generally specified.

General Name Rules

Following are some general rules and guidelines that apply to ALL objects stored in the LANSA Repository:

Name (long name) Rules

Identifier (short name) Rules

For simplicity, it is strongly recommended that you use only characters A to Z and 1 to 9 in LANSA object names. Using special characters (#, _, @, $, etc.) are allowed in some object names but may have portability and other impacts.

         The following rules apply to both physical and logical file identifiers:

Identifier Platform Considerations