Control - EndDrag Event

Fired when the drag and drop process has completed

Member of Control (PRIM_CTRL)


NameTypeData TypeDescription
Source*InputPRIM_CTRLReference to the component that started the drag process
Payload*InputPRIM_OBJTGeneric object that can be used to pass data as part or the drag and drop process
DragResult*InputEnumerationSpecifies the result of the drag and drop process
AggregatedSource*InputPRIM_CTRLReference to the component that started the drag process when the drag style is Aggregated
Origin*InputPRIM_CTRLReference to the control on which the event was initially fired
Handled*BothBooleanSet to true to stop the event being propagated to the parent control


The EndDrag event is fired at the very end of the drag and drop process.
It is the fourth event in the drag and drop process - StartDrag, DragOver, DragDrop and EndDrag
The EndDrag event is typically used to notify the source of the drag operation that the operation has ended.

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

LANSA Version 15, April 2020