Flow Layout Manager - Direction Property

Defines the direction of flow management

Member of Flow Layout Manager (PRIM_FWLM)

Data Type - Enumeration


The Direction property defines how the items are divided in the display area and the direction that the items are flowed in the resulting rows and columns.

Allowed Values

Enum ValueDescription
BottomToTop Divides the items into columns; flows the columns from left to right and flows the items from bottom to top in each column
LeftToRight Divides the items into rows; flows the rows from top to bottom and flows the items from left to right in each row
TopToBottom Divides the items into columns; flows the columns from left to right and flows the items from top to bottom in each column
RightToLeft Divides the items into rows; flows the rows from top to bottom and flows the items from right to left in each row


See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

LANSA Version 15, April 2020