Drawstyle to be applied to Icon
Member of PRIM_LIST.Icon (PRIM_LIST.Icon)
Data Type - Unicode String
The ThemeDrawStyle property is the name of the DrawStyle to be applied to the list items. ThemeDrawStyle uses simple name matching to determine the appearance of the control. If the name specified cannot be found at run time, the control will revert to its fallback appearance defined by the Theme applied to the WebPage or Form. As the name is softcoded, a change of Theme at application level can result in a completely different appearance. There are a number of prefined DrawStyle names that automatically exist at runtime to match certain controls and features e.g. PushButton, ListItem, ListColumn and Edit etc. Refer to the DrawStyle Name property for further information. The ThemeDrawStyle property is typically managed by the IDE designer.
LANSA Version 15, April 2020