Column displaying an image
Ancestors - List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) Object (PRIM_OBJT)
Prim_List.Image is a column in a List used to display images. Each column type has a corresponding CurrentItem class that provides access to the individual entries in the column accessible via the CurrentItem property. The image for each item can be modified independently using the current item for the column in the same way that other visual LANSA lists allow the current item for the list to be used. An image column is created whenever an Image control is dropped on the list. If a Blob field is dropped on the list, the Source property will be set to the field and it will be used as a column in the underlying working list. If the field value at run time contains a valid image file, the image will be shown. This is a simple and convenient shortcut that simplifies the processing of text and image data when being read from a database.
This example shows a 4 column list, each using a repository field as the source. The image column has a source of a Blob field EMPTHM. This is rendered as an image at runtime.
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Height(456) Width(864) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST) Name(#List) Displayposition(1) Left(8) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(8) Height(433) Width(841) Rowheight(28) Rowlines(False) Columnlines(False) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST.Image) Name(#ColumnEMPTHM1) Displayposition(1) Parent(#List) Source(#EMPTHM) Columnwidth(43) Imagesizing(BestFit) Cellmargintop(2) Cellmarginbottom(2) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST.String) Name(#ColumnEMPNO1) Displayposition(2) Parent(#List) Source(#EMPNO) Columnwidth(104) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST.String) Name(#ColumnSURNAME1) Displayposition(3) Parent(#List) Source(#SURNAME) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST.String) Name(#ColumnGIVENAME1) Displayposition(4) Parent(#List) Source(#GIVENAME) Def_List Name(#Employees) Fields(#Empno #Surname #Givename #Empthm) Type(*working) entrys(*Max) Mthroutine Name(Load) Define_Com Class(#xDemoDataServices.GetEmployees) Name(#GetEmployees) #GetEmployees.ExecuteAsync( #Employees ) Evtroutine Handling(#GetEmployees.Completed) Selectlist Named(#Employees) Add_Entry To_List(#List) Endselect Endroutine Endroutine End_Com
Name | Description |
CellAlignment | Position of the content of a list cell. Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
CellHeight | Height of the cell in pixels when not overridden by CellSizing Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
CellMarginBottom | Bottom margin of the cell in pixels when not overridden by CellSizing Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
CellMarginLeft | Left margin of the cell in pixels when not overridden by CellSizing Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
CellMarginRight | Right margin of the cell in pixels when not overridden by CellSizing Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
CellMarginTop | Top margin of the cell in pixels when not overridden by CellSizing Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
CellSizing | Sizing behavior of a list cell allowing for the content to only use a portion of the cell Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
CellThemeDrawStyle | Drawstyle to be used on list cell |
CellWidth | Width of the cell in pixels when not overridden by CellSizing Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnCaption | Caption displayed in the column header Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnCaptionAlign | Alignment of the text in the column header Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnCaptionText | Caption displayed in the column header Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnCaptionWordWrap | Wrap text on to the next line if there is insufficient space Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnImage | Image to be show in the column heading Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnImageHeight | Set the height and width of the column image in pixels Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnMaxWidth | Maximum allow width of the column in pixels Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnMinWidth | Minimum allow width of the column in pixels Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnMouseOverStyle | Style to be applied to the column header on mouseOver Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnMouseOverStyles | Collection of styles to be applied to the column header on mouseOver Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnPinned | Pin the column to the left or right hand sides of the list Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnPopup | Popup Panel to display as a menu Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnPopupImage | Image to display in the column header in place of the default image Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnPressedStyle | Style to be applied to the column header on click Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnPressedStyles | Collection of styles to be applied to the column header on mouseOver Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnResize | Specifies whether the column can be manually resized Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnStyle | Style to be applied to the column Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnStyles | Collection of styles to be applied to the column Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnThemeDrawStyle | Name of the Theme DrawStyle to be applied to the column heading Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnUnits | Specifies whether the column is a specific width or uses a proportion of the available space (See ColumnWidth) Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnVisible | Show or hide the column Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnWidth | Width of the column. See the ColumnUnits property Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ComponentClassName | ComponentClassName is the name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentMembers | ComponentMembers provides access to all the member components of this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentPatternName | ComponentPatternName is used to qualify the class of the component. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentTag | Generic space allowing a value to be stored for the instance Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentType | ComponentType gives you access to the type information about the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentTypeName | ComponentTypeName is the fully qualified name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
CurrentItem | The last item in the list touched either in the UI or via a list related command |
DisplayPosition | Position of the column relative to the other columns Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
Enabled | Enable or disable the column contents Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
FocusItem | Reference to the focus item in the column |
Image | Repository enrolled image to show in the control |
ImageAlignment | Position of the image within the view port |
ImageHeight | Height of the image. See ImageUnits |
ImageLeft | Left position of the image. See ImageUnits |
ImageOpacity | Percentage Opacity of the image |
ImageSizing | Defines how the original image is sized |
ImageTop | Top position of the image. See ImageUnits |
ImageUnits | Specifies whether the image is measured using pixels or percentages |
ImageWidth | Width of the image. See ImageUnits |
Name | Name identifies the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Owner | Owner owns this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Parent | Reference to the list containing the column Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
SortAsColumn | Specifies an alternate column to use to sort the data Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
SortDirection | Sort the column ascending or descending Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
SortPosition | Position of the column in the sort sequence Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
Source | Field to be used as a source for the column. Blob fields containing images will show the image |
Style | Styles to be applied to the item Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
Styles | Collection of styles to be applied to the item Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ThemeDrawStyle | ThemeDrawStyle to be applied to the column Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
Visible | Show or hide the content of a cell Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
Name | Description |
Click | Fired when the mouse is clicked on the control |
ColumnClick | Fired when the column header is clicked Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column)
Origin, Handled |
ColumnDoubleClick | Fired when the column header is DoubleClicked Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column)
Origin, Handled |
ColumnMouseEnter | Fired when the mouse enters the bounds of the column Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
ColumnMouseLeave | Fired when the mouse leaves the bounds of the column Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
CreateInstance | CreateInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is created Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
DestroyInstance | DestroyInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is about to be destroyed Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
DoubleClick | Fired when the user double clicks |
Name | Description |
SizeToContents | Set the column width to the widest content Inherited from List Column (PRIM_LIST.Column) |
LANSA Version 15, April 2020