Fired when the mouse is clicked on the control
Member of List String Column (PRIM_LIST.String)
The Click event is fired when the user presses and releases the left mouse button while the mouse is within the bounds of one of the cells in the column. The ColumnClick event is used for a click on the column header.
The example has 3 rows. Click events are fired for the entries in each column and and the column heading.
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Height(440) Width(688) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST) Name(#List) Displayposition(1) Left(8) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(8) Height(417) Width(665) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST.Button) Name(#ColumnButton1) Columnwidth(92) Displayposition(1) Parent(#List) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST.Image) Name(#ColumnImage1) Columnwidth(50) Displayposition(2) Parent(#List) Image(#xImageFavorites16) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_LIST.CheckBox) Name(#ColumnCheckBox1) Columnwidth(50) Displayposition(3) Parent(#List) Evtroutine Handling(#Com_owner.CreateInstance) Add_Entry To_List(#List) Add_Entry To_List(#List) Add_Entry To_List(#List) Endroutine Evtroutine Handling(#ColumnButton1.Click) #sys_web.alert( ("Button &1 Clicked").Substitute( #List.CurrentItem.Entry.Asstring ) ) Endroutine Evtroutine Handling(#ColumnCheckBox1.Click) #sys_web.alert( ("Checkbox &1 Clicked").Substitute( #List.CurrentItem.Entry.Asstring ) ) Endroutine Evtroutine Handling(#ColumnImage1.Click) #sys_web.alert( ("Image&1 Clicked").Substitute( #List.CurrentItem.Entry.Asstring ) ) Endroutine Evtroutine Handling(#ColumnButton1.ColumnClick #ColumnCheckBox1.ColumnClick #ColumnImage1.ColumnClick) Com_Sender(#Sender) #sys_web.alert( ("Column &1 Clicked").Substitute( #Sender.Name ) ) Endroutine End_Com
LANSA Version 15, April 2020