Flat Button - IconAlignment Property

Position of the icon within the control

Member of Flat Button (PRIM_MD.FlatButton)

Data Type - Enumeration


The IconAlignment property specifies where the Icon or IconImage will be positioned within the control.

Allowed Values

Enum ValueDescription
AboveCaptionAbove the Caption and using the same alignment as the CaptionAlignment
AfterCaptionTo the right of the Caption and using the same alignment as the CaptionAlignment
BeforeCaptionTo the left of the Caption and using the same alignment as the CaptionAlignment
BelowBelow the Caption and using the same alignment as the CaptionAlignment
BottomCenterHorizontally centered and attached to the bottom edge
BottomLeftLeft justified and attached to the bottom edge
BottomRightRight justified and attached to the bottom edge
CenterHorizontally and vertically centered
CenterLeftLeft justified and vertically centered
CenterRightRight justified and vertically centered
TopCenterHorizontally centered and attached to the upper edge
TopLeftLeft justified and attached to the upper edge
TopRightRight justified and attached to the upper edge


See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

LANSA Version 15, April 2020