Field - IconHeight Property

Height of the icon in pixels

Member of Field (PRIM_MD.Input)

Data Type - Integer


The IconHeight property governs the height and width of the Icon and IconImage
If a value is specified, the space available for the image will be resized so that the height and width are as specified.
When zero, the size of the available space is defined by the size of the font.


In this example there are 3 labels.
The first has an IconHeight of zero, allowing the Icon to resize as the font size changes.
The second uses the same font, but the height has been specified
The third also uses the same font, showing the 256x256 iconimage sized appropriately.
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Theme(#SYS_THEME) Height(313) Width(737)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_VS.Style) Name(#Style) FontSize(36)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.Label) Name(#Label) Caption('Text') CaptionAlignment(CenterLeft) DisplayPosition(3) Height(60) Icon('label') IconHeight(0) Left(14) Parent(#COM_OWNER) TabPosition(3)  TabStop(False) ThemeDrawStyle('LightTitle') Top(13) Width(267) Style(#Style)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.Label) Name(#Label1) Caption('Text') CaptionAlignment(CenterLeft) DisplayPosition(2) Height(57) Icon('label') Left(16) Parent(#COM_OWNER) TabPosition(2) TabStop(False)   ThemeDrawStyle('LightTitle') Top(80) Width(267) Style(#Style)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.Label) Name(#Label2) Caption('Text') CaptionAlignment(CenterLeft) DisplayPosition(1) Height(57) Left(16) Parent(#COM_OWNER) TabPosition(1) TabStop(False) ThemeDrawStyle('LightTitle') Top(144) Width(267) Style(#Style) IconImage(#xImageImage256) IconHeight(48)

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

LANSA Version 15, April 2020