Specifies if the list will be displayed in pages
Member of List (PRIM_MD.List)
Data Type - Boolean
ShowPages property allows for a List (PRIM_MD.List) entries to be displayed over a number of pages. If ShowPages is selected, pages can be navigated using the arrows located at the bottom of the list. The number of rows per page is determined by the Rows Per Page property. The page number can be accessed with the CurrentPage Property.
This example shows a List (PRIM_MD.List) with ItemsPerRow set to 4 RowsPerPage set to 6. This will display the show 24 items on a page (4x6).
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Theme(#SYS_THEME) Layoutmanager(#LayoutPage) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#LayoutPage) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#LayoutPageColumn) Displayposition(1) Parent(#LayoutPage) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutPageRow) Displayposition(1) Parent(#LayoutPage) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutPageItem) Alignment(TopCenter) Column(#LayoutPageColumn) Manage(#List) Marginleft(16) Marginright(16) Parent(#LayoutPage) Row(#LayoutPageRow) Sizing(ContentHeightFitToWidth) Margintop(8) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#LayoutList) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#LayoutListColumn) Parent(#LayoutList) Displayposition(1) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutListRow) Parent(#LayoutList) Displayposition(1) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutListItem) Alignment(CenterLeft) Column(#LayoutListColumn) Manage(#ListPrimaryText) Parent(#LayoutList) Row(#LayoutListRow) Sizing(None) Marginleft(11) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.List) Name(#List) Displayposition(1) Layoutmanager(#LayoutList) Left(16) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Rowheight(48) Tabposition(1) Themedrawstyle('Card') Top(8) Width(1168) Height(226) Rowsperpage(6) Showpages(True) Itemsperrow(4) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.ListLabel) Name(#ListPrimaryText) Caption('Single line item') Displayposition(2) Height(23) Parent(#List) Tabposition(1) Themedrawstyle('Heading3') Top(13) Width(1166) Left(11) Evtroutine Handling(#COM_OWNER.Initialize) Begin_Loop Using(#xDemoNumber) To(100) #ListPrimaryText := 'Entry: ' + #xDemoNumber.AsString Add_Entry To_List(#List) End_Loop Endroutine End_Com
LANSA Version 15, April 2020