View Container (PRIM_MD.ViewContainer)

View collector used to organise views within an application

Ancestors - Container (PRIM_CPST)Control (PRIM_CTRL)Object (PRIM_OBJT)


View Container is one of a set of controls designed to work together to build a typical mobile application framework.
A View Container typically occupies the bulk of the available screen space, resizing as required.
The other controls are -
Application title bar which is used to as the header of the application
Application Draw which is used to present the application menu
Application View used to present the application functionality
Application Dialog used as an editor
Navigation Button used as a menu item on the Application Draw


This is a simpified example showing how the various parts interact.
In a real world application, the Views would be reusable parts.
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Theme(#SYS_THEME) LayoutManager(#LayoutMain)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#LayoutMain)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#LayoutMainColumn1) DisplayPosition(1) Parent(#LayoutMain) Units(Content) Width(220)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#LayoutMainColumn2) DisplayPosition(2) Parent(#LayoutMain)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutMainRow1) DisplayPosition(1) Parent(#LayoutMain) Height(56) Units(Pixels)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutMainRow2) DisplayPosition(2) Parent(#LayoutMain)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMainItem1) Column(#LayoutMainColumn1) Manage(#AppBar) Parent(#LayoutMain) Row(#LayoutMainRow1) ColumnSpan(2)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMainItem2) Column(#LayoutMainColumn1) Manage(#AppDrawer) Parent(#LayoutMain) Row(#LayoutMainRow2) Sizing(FitToHeight)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMainItem3) Column(#LayoutMainColumn2) Manage(#ViewContainer) Parent(#LayoutMain) Row(#LayoutMainRow2)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#LayoutAppDrawer)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#LayoutAppDrawerColumn1) DisplayPosition(1) Parent(#LayoutAppDrawer)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutAppDrawerRow1) DisplayPosition(1) Parent(#LayoutAppDrawer)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutAppDrawerItem1) Alignment(TopCenter) Column(#LayoutAppDrawerColumn1) Flow(Down) Manage(#NavButton1) Parent(#LayoutAppDrawer) Row(#LayoutAppDrawerRow1) Sizing(FitToWidth)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutAppDrawerItem2) Alignment(TopCenter) Column(#LayoutAppDrawerColumn1) Flow(Down) Manage(#NavButton2) Parent(#LayoutAppDrawer) Row(#LayoutAppDrawerRow1) Sizing(FitToWidth)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutAppDrawerItem3) Alignment(TopCenter) Column(#LayoutAppDrawerColumn1) Flow(Down) Manage(#NavButton3) Parent(#LayoutAppDrawer) Row(#LayoutAppDrawerRow1) Sizing(FitToWidth)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.AppBar) Name(#AppBar) DisplayPosition(1) Parent(#COM_OWNER) TabPosition(1) TabStop(False) Width(1200) ThemeDrawStyle('Heading1') CaptionMarginLeft(15) Caption('TITLE') CaptionMarginBottom(0) CaptionMarginRight(0) CaptionMarginTop(0) Icon('menu')
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.AppDrawer) Name(#AppDrawer) DisplayPosition(2) Parent(#COM_OWNER) TabPosition(2) TabStop(False) Top(56) Height(744) LayoutManager(#LayoutAppDrawer) ThemeDrawStyle('MediumTitle') Width(220)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.ViewContainer) Name(#ViewContainer) DisplayPosition(3) Left(220) Parent(#COM_OWNER) TabPosition(3) TabStop(False) Top(56) Height(744) Width(980)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.NavButton) Name(#NavButton1) Caption('View 1') CaptionAlignment(CenterLeft) CaptionMarginLeft(16) DisplayPosition(1) IconMarginLeft(16) Left(0) Parent(#AppDrawer) TabPosition(1) TabStop(False) Top(0) Width(219) Height(48) Icon('view_quilt') Manage(#View1)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.NavButton) Name(#NavButton2) Caption('View 2') CaptionAlignment(CenterLeft) CaptionMarginLeft(16) DisplayPosition(2) IconMarginLeft(16) Left(0) Parent(#AppDrawer) TabPosition(3) TabStop(False) Top(48) Width(219) Height(48) Icon('view_quilt') Manage(#View2)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.NavButton) Name(#NavButton3) Caption('View 3') CaptionAlignment(CenterLeft) CaptionMarginLeft(16) DisplayPosition(3) IconMarginLeft(16) Left(0) Parent(#AppDrawer) TabPosition(2) TabStop(False) Top(96) Width(219) Height(48) Icon('view_quilt') Manage(#View3)
   * Views
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_View) Name(#View1) Height(744) Parent(#ViewContainer) TabStop(False) Width(980) DisplayPosition(1) TabPosition(1)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_View) Name(#View2) Height(744) Left(326) Parent(#ViewContainer) TabStop(False) Width(980) DisplayPosition(2) TabPosition(2)
   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_View) Name(#View3) Height(744) Parent(#ViewContainer) TabStop(False) Width(980) Left(652) DisplayPosition(3) TabPosition(3)
   Define_Com Class(#prim_md.Label) Name(#View1Text) Caption('View 1') Parent(#View1) DisplayPosition(1) TabPosition(1)
   Define_Com Class(#prim_md.Label) Name(#View2Text) Caption('View 2') Parent(#View2) DisplayPosition(1) TabPosition(1)
   Define_Com Class(#prim_md.Label) Name(#View3Text) Caption('View 3') Parent(#View3) DisplayPosition(1) TabPosition(1)
   Evtroutine Handling(#AppBar.IconClick)
   Evtroutine Handling(#Sys_Web.DeviceChanged)
      If (#Sys_Web.Device = Mobile)
         #AppDrawer.DrawerStyle := SlideInLeft
         #AppDrawer.DrawerStyle := Permanent


Name Description
ActiveView Reference to the uppermost view
BusyUpdates BusyUpdates specifies how the control updates itself Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
BusyUpdatesOfParent BusyUpdatesOfParent specifies whether the parent controls updates Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
CanFocus CanFocus returns a value indicating whether the control can receive keyboard focus Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ComponentClassName ComponentClassName is the name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentControls ComponentControls is a collection of all the controls contained in this component. Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
ComponentMembers ComponentMembers provides access to all the member components of this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentPatternName ComponentPatternName is used to qualify the class of the component. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentTag Generic space allowing a value to be stored for the instance Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentType ComponentType gives you access to the type information about the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentTypeName ComponentTypeName is the fully qualified name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
Cursor Cursor sets the cursor image Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
DisplayPosition DisplayPosition determines the order in which components are shown Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
DragStyle DragStyle determines how a component can be dragged Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
EnableChildren EnableChildren specifies if the parent sets the Enabled property of child components Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
Enabled Enable activates/deactivates the component Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
FixedPosition Fix the control position so that it does not move if the parent is scrolled Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Focus Focus tells whether the component has focus Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
FocusedStyle Reference to a style to be applied when the control is focus Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
FocusedStyles Collection of styles to be applied when the control is focus Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Handle Returns the Windows handle in desktop applications Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Height The height of the control in pixels Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Hint Caption displayed when the mouse hovers over the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintPopup HintPopup allows a PopupPanel instance to be used instead of the default hint text box Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintShow Enabled or disable the appearance of hints Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintShowOfParent Delegate hints appearance to the parent control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintTitle HintTitle defines the text shown at the top of the hint window in emphasized text Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
IsAnimating IsAnimating indicates that a control is currently being animated Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
IsRealized True if the control is currently realized Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Left Position of the control relative to the left boundary of its parent Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Modified Modified indicates that the contents of the component have changed Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseOver MouseOver determines whether the mouse is directly over a control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseOverPart True if the cursor is within the bounds of a child component Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
MouseOverStyle MouseOverStyle defines the style to be applied to a control when the mouse is over it Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseOverStyles MouseOverStyles is a collection of styles to be applied to a control when the mouse is over it Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Name Name identifies the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
Opacity Opacity denotes the appearance of a control in terms of its interaction with its background Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Owner Owner owns this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
Parent Reference to the control in which this control is visually positioned Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Popup Popup allows a PopupPanel instance to be used instead of the typical right click popup menu Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PopupMenu Reference to a PopupMenu to be shown on a right click Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PrivateStyle Style applied to the control but not inherited by child controls Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
PrivateStyles Collection of styles applied to the control but not inherited by child controls Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
Rotation Rotation allows a control to rotate a number of degrees about a given origin Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
RotationOriginLeft RotationOriginLeft defines the left coordinate of an imaginary point around which a control will rotate Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
RotationOriginTop RotationOriginTop defines the top coordinate of an imaginary point around which a control will rotate Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Router Associates a Router and its set of Routes with a View Container
ScaleHeight ScaleHeight is the percentage of the height to use in the visual appearance of a control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleOriginLeft ScaleOriginLeft defines the left coordinate of an imaginary point from which a control will scale Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleOriginTop ScaleOriginTop defines the top coordinate of an imaginary point from which a control will scale Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleWidth ScaleWidth is the percentage of the width to use in the visual appearance of a control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScreenLeft ScreenLeft sets the distance from the left of the screen Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScreenTop ScreenTop sets the distance from the top of the screen Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScrollLeft Left position of a horizontally scrolled child control relative to its parent control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScrollTop Top position of a vertically scrolled child control relative to its parent control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SkewLeft SkewLeft defines the angle at which to skew the control horizontally Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SkewOriginLeft SkewOriginLeft defines the left coordinate of an imaginary point from which a control will skew Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SkewOriginTop SkewOriginTop defines the top coordinate of an imaginary point from which a control will skew Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SkewTop SkewTop defines the angle at which to skew the control vertically Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Style Style defines the style to be applied to a control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Styles Collection of styles to be applied to the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TabPosition TabPosition sets the order of focus when the Tab key is used Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TabStop Set to false to stop focus being given to the control via the Tab key Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ThemeDrawStyle Name of the Theme DrawStyle to be applied to the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Top Position of the control relative to the top boundary of its parent Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchMove Determines how the control will respond to touch move processing Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchRotate Determines how the control will respond to touch rotation Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchScale Determines how the control will respond to touch scaling Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchSize Determines whether a control can be resized Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Visible Show or hide the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
VisualStyle VisualStyle sets the appearance Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
VisualStyleOfParent Adopt the Visual style from the parent control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Width Width of the component in pixels Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)


Name Description
ActiveViewChanged Fired when the a view becomes active
AnimationEnded Fired when an animation is ended Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
CreateInstance CreateInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is created Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
DestroyInstance DestroyInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is about to be destroyed Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
DragDrop Fired on mouse up to signify the end of a drag process Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PosX, PosY, Source, Payload, AggregatedSource, Origin, Handled, DragResult
DragOver Fired during the drag and drop process when the cursor moves over the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PosX, PosY, Source, Payload, DragState, AcceptDrop, DragCursor, ShowDropHilight, AggregatedSource, Origin, Handled
EndDrag Fired when the drag and drop process has completed Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Source, Payload, DragResult, AggregatedSource, Origin, Handled
Initialize Fired after a component has been realized for the first time Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseEnter The mouse has entered the bounds of the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseHover The mouse has hovered over the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Origin, Handled
MouseLeave The mouse has left the bounds of the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
StartDrag Fired when the user starts a drag and drop process Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Source, Payload, Continue, DragList, AggregatedSource, Origin, Handled
TouchChange Fired repeatedly between the TouchStart and TouchEnd boundaries to provide details of the touch events Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MoveLeft, MoveTop, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, Rotation, Continue
TouchEnd Fired when the user stops touching the screen Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchStart Fired when the user first makes physical contact with the screen Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Origin, TouchMove, TouchRotate, TouchScale, TouchSize


Name Description
Clear Hide all views
FadeIn Animate from invisible to visible Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Duration, Delay
FadeOut Animate from visible to invisible Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Duration, Delay, Visible
MoveFrom Move a control from the specified position to the current position Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Left, Top, Duration, Delay
MoveTo Animate a move from the specified number of pixels Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Left, Top, Duration, Delay
Realize Creates the visual portion of dynamically created controls Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Scale Animate a change of scale Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, Duration, Delay
SetFocus Sets the control to be the focus control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ShowMessages LANSA Internal Use Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SizeTo Changes and animates control size changing Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Width, Height, Duration, Delay
Transition Animate the change from one control to another Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
From, To, TransitionType, Duration, Delay
Unrealize Destroys the visual portion of dynamically created controls Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
UpdateDisplay UpdateDisplay updates the display immediately Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

LANSA Version 15, February 2021