Terminate the session
Member of Server Module (PRIM_SRVM)
The EndSession method is used to terminate the current session. SrvRoutines defined with Session(*Required) will no longer be able to execute. Attempting to run one will result in the Failed event firing on the client.
This example shows a simple session Server Module with routines for signing on and off. A SessionIdentifier(PRIM_SRVM) is specified so that Server Module can be used in conjunction with other modules and can shared persisted data.
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_SRVM) SessionIdentifier(Personnel) Define Field(#gUserID) Type(*Char) Length(40) Persist Fields(#gUserID) Srvroutine Name(Signin) Field_Map For(*Input) Field(#User) Field_Map For(*Output) Field(#Result) If (#Com_owner.VerifyUser( #User )) #Com_owner.StartSession Timeout(240) #Result := OK #gUserID := #User Else #Result := ER Endif Endroutine Mthroutine Name(VerifyUser) Access(*Private) Define_Map For(*Input) Class(#xDemoAlpha128) Name(#User) Define_Map For(*Result) Class(#xDemoBoolean) Name(#Result) * Test for a valid user Endroutine Srvroutine Name(Signoff) Session(*Required) #Com_owner.EndSession Endroutine End_Com
LANSA Version 15, April 2020