Style used to define foreground and background appearance
Ancestors - Object (PRIM_OBJT)
Styles are used to define the appearance of controls. They allow you to define the color of text, background colors, fonts, borders and other visual features. Unlike its forerunner Visual Style, multiple Styles can be added to a control affecting only the features specified on the style. If the same feature of a style is applied using two different style instances, the last one to be applied will take precedence. Only foreground features are adopted by child controls e.g. FaceName and TextColor. This means a facename applied at application level will be used throughout the application. If the size of the font needs to change, only the size need be specified on the style. Styles can be created and applied directly to controls in components. However, this is counterproductive and leads to unnecessary complications. Instead, Themes should be used to define an overall application style, with individual styles being used for ad hoc and very specific requirements. For modern LANSA applications running on the desktop under DirectX Visual Style has been superseded and should not be used.
Name | Description |
BackgroundBrush | Brush to be used as the background |
Bold | Bold makes text bold |
BorderBottom | Width of the border to be shown at the bottom |
BorderBrush | Brush to be used on the borders |
BorderColor | BorderColor sets the color of grid borders |
BorderLeft | Width of the border to be shown to the left |
BorderRight | Width of the border to be shown to the right |
BorderTop | Width of the border to be shown at the top |
ComponentClassName | ComponentClassName is the name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentMembers | ComponentMembers provides access to all the member components of this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentPatternName | ComponentPatternName is used to qualify the class of the component. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentTag | Generic space allowing a value to be stored for the instance Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentType | ComponentType gives you access to the type information about the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentTypeName | ComponentTypeName is the fully qualified name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
CornerBottomLeft | Width of the corner at the bottom left |
CornerBottomRight | Width of the corner at the bottom right |
CornerTopLeft | Width of the corner at the top left |
CornerTopRight | Width of the corner at the top right |
Cursor | Cursor to be applied when the mouse enters the control boundary |
Effect | Reference to the effect to apply to the style |
FaceName | FaceName is the name of the font |
FontSize | FontSize sets the size of the font |
FontUnits | Size of the font in pixels or points |
FontWeight | FontWeight specifies the variation of the font to be used |
ForegroundBrush | Brush to be used on the foreground text |
Italic | Italic makes the font italic |
LineColor | Line color applied to list row and column lines |
MaskBrush | Brush to be used as an opacity mask |
Name | Name identifies the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
NormBackColor | RGB color value or a LANSA specified color name applied to the background |
Owner | Owner owns this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Parent | The component instance to which this instance is attached. The visual container for a control or the collector of a set of child instances Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Shape | Defines the appearance of the control |
StrikeOut | Show the text with a horizontal line through each character |
TextColor | RGB color value or a LANSA specified color name applied to the foreground text |
Underline | Underline makes the font underlined |
Name | Description |
CreateInstance | CreateInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is created Inherited from Style (PRIM_VS.Style) |
DestroyInstance | DestroyInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is about to be destroyed Inherited from Style (PRIM_VS.Style) |
LANSA Version 15, April 2020