Determines how the form behaves in a multiform application
Member of Form (PRIM_FORM)
Data Type - Enumeration
The FormStyle property defines the forms behavior with respect to its owner form. NormalChild, OwnedChild and StayOnTopChild forms automatically route Shortcut Key pressed events to their owner form.
Enum Value | Description |
Normal | Form is not affected by the owner form |
NormalChild | As Normal. Will be hidden or minimzed with the owner |
Owned | Closed when the owner closes. No item in the task bar. |
OwnedChild | As Owned. Will be hidden or minimzed with the owner. No item in the task bar. |
StayOnTop | Will always be infront of the owner form. No item in the task bar. |
StayOnTopChild | As StayOnTop. Will be hidden or minimzed with the owner. No item in the task bar. |
This sample form demonstrates the behavior of the different form styles.
Function Options(*DIRECT) Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_FORM) Clientwidth(484) Clientheight(301) Componentversion(2) Top(40) Left(40) Caption('Main Form') Define_Com Class(#prim_form) Name(#Normal) Caption('Normal') Top(80) Left(80) Define_Com Class(#prim_form) Name(#NormalChild) Caption('NormalChild') Formstyle(NormalChild) Top(120) Left(120) Define_Com Class(#prim_form) Name(#Owned) Caption('Owned') Formstyle(Owned) Top(160) Left(160) Define_Com Class(#prim_form) Name(#OwnedChild) Caption('OwnedChild') Formstyle(OwnedChild) Top(200) Left(200) Define_Com Class(#prim_form) Name(#StayOnTop) Caption('StayOnTop') Formstyle(StayOnTop) Top(240) Define_Com Class(#prim_form) Name(#StayOnTopChild) Caption('StayOnTopChild') Formstyle(StayOnTopChild) Top(280) Left(280) Evtroutine Handling(#com_owner.Initialize) #Normal.Showform #NormalChild.Showform #Owned.Showform #OwnedChild.Showform #StayOnTop.Showform #StayOnTopChild.Showform Endroutine End_Com
Febuary 18 V14SP2