3.1 Preparing LANSA for i for LANSA Open

If you are not already using LANSA Open, you will need to prepare the IBM i server for access by your client/server applications. Following is an outline of the steps you will need to perform when using an IBM i server as the host to LANSA Open.

1.  Sign on to the IBM i with a user profile that has the authority to carry out these steps

2.  Check that your LANSA system on the IBM i is at the same version, or higher, than the LANSA Open system you are setting up and that all required EPCs (Expedited Program Changes) have been applied. If your LANSA system on the IBM i is not at the required level, you must upgrade it before using this version of LANSA Open. For the required upgrade steps, please contact your LANSA product vendor.

     For how to check the EPCs that have been loaded, refer to For information about Expedited Program Changes (EPCs), in the LANSA for i User Guide.

3.  Set up IBM i User Profiles for the PC users to access the data on the IBM i.

     When these user profiles are created, be sure that they are granted authority for access to LANSA programs and that a proper job description is specified. The job description for the user profile must have a library list which contains the following libraries:



     LANSA for IBM i program library

     LANSA Communications library

4.  Add a directory entry to the System Distribution Directory for each IBM i User Profile.

     Ensure that the User Profiles are enabled to connect to the IBM i via TCP/IP.

5.  Enter the LANSA Open license code supplied by your LANSA vendor. Refer to Product Licensing on the LANSA web site for information.

6.  Review and set the DC@A10 data area to a level suitable for your applications. For more details, refer to 3.2 Adjusting the DC@A1O Buffer/Data Area.

7.  Review the settings for

     Note that if you change these keywords you must compile (or recompile) the I/O modules of the files to be accessed. Refer to Compile and Edit Settings in the LANSA for i User Guide for more information about these keywords.

8.  You must configure and start a LANSA Listener if you have not already done so. Refer to 3.3 TCP/IP and LANSA Listeners.

9.  Make the fields and files to be accessed via LANSA Open known to the LANSA Repository on the IBM i. Refer to the Introduction to LANSA for i Guide for details on the options available.

10.Once you have made your files known to LANSA, you may want to extend their functionality through the use of virtual fields, predetermined joins, access routes, or any of the many Repository features. To learn more about implementing these features refer to the LANSA for i User Guide.