You are here: Web Services > Consuming Web Services > Tutorial 3 - Interoperability with .NET Using Web Services > Testing the User Authenticate Service

Testing the User Authenticate Service

Now you have completed your ExternalWindowsUserServices reusable part, it's time to test it.

Create a server module called TestWindowsUserServicesModule and add the following code to the server module:

* Fields

Define Field(#Fld_Domain) Type(*NVARCHAR) Length(200)

Define Field(#Fld_UserName) Type(*NVARCHAR) Length(200)

Define Field(#Fld_Password) Type(*NVARCHAR) Length(1000)

* Server routine

Srvroutine Name(TestAuthenticateUser)

   Field_Map For(*INPUT) Field(#Fld_Domain) Parameter_Name(Domain)

   Field_Map For(*INPUT) Field(#Fld_UserName) Parameter_Name(UserName)

   Field_Map For(*INPUT) Field(#Fld_Password) Parameter_Name(Password)

   Field_Map For(*OUTPUT) Field(#Fld_Message) Parameter_Name(Message)

   * Create an instance of the ExternalWindowsUserServices reusable part

   Define_Com Class(#ExternalWindowsUserServices) Name(#Services)

   * Create an instance of the invocation status object

   Define_Com Class(#ExternalServiceInvocationStatus) Name(#Status)

   * Invoke the 'Authenticate' method

   #Services.Authenticate Domain(#Fld_Domain) Username(#Fld_UserName) Password(#Fld_Password) Invocationstatus(#Status)

   * If not OK, get the error message

   If (*Not #Status.OK)

      #Fld_Message := #Status.ErrorMessage



Create a webpage to invoke your server module:

Evtroutine Handling(#Com_owner.Initialize)

   Define_Com Class(#TestWindowsUserServicesModule.TestAuthenticateUser) Name(#Authenticate)

   Define_Com Class(#PRIM_DC.UnicodeString) Name(#Message)

   * Invoke the copy service via the server routine

   * Adjust the source & target file paths

   #Authenticate.Execute Domain('MyDomain') UserName('MyUserName') Password('MyPassword') Message(#Message)

   * Check if the server routine returns any error message

   If (#Message.CurChars > 0)

      #SYS_WEB.Alert( #Message )


      #SYS_WEB.Alert( 'All good!' )



Next: Configuring Your Service to Use HTTP