VLF-ONE Instance List Toolbar Part Id


Specify here the identifier of your own instance list tool bar reusable part.

This reusable part will appear on the associated business object’s tool bar in place of the usual command execution buttons.  

For example, the command execution buttons area can be overcrowded, like this example:

The space problem can be resolved by a reusable part like this:

Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #vf_ac039O)

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.Icon) Name(#Icon) Icon('more_vert') Displayposition(1) Left(0) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(0) Width(16) Height(16)


* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mthroutine Name(uInitialize) Options(*REDEFINE)

#UseAttachment := Right


Set Com(#Icon) Top((#COM_OWNER.Height - #Icon.Height) / 2)



* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Evtroutine Handling(#Icon.Click)

#ASSOCIATEDVF_FR003O.zInt_ShowCommandHandlerChoiceMenu Ignoreenablement(False) Usebusypanel(#ASSOCIATEDVF_UM010O) Withinstancereferencekey("")




Note how the instance list tool bar must be a descendant of VF_AC039O. 

Once snapped in, it replaces the standard command buttons area with a single ‘more options’ icon that causes the commands to be displayed in a menu when it is clicked:

What you replace the command buttons are with is your choice. For example, this code:

Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #vf_ac039O) Layoutmanager(#MainAttachmentManager) Width(329) Height(65)

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_atlm) Name(#MainAttachmentManager) Margintop(4) Marginbottom(4)

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_atli) Name(#AttachItem1) Attachment(Center) Manage(#Button) Parent(#MainAttachmentManager)

Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.RaisedButton) Name(#Button) Caption('This is a big wide push button') Displayposition(1) Left(0) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Top(4) Width(329) Height(57) Themedrawstyle('MediumAccent+Rounded')


* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mthroutine Name(uInitialize) Options(*REDEFINE)

#UseAttachment := Center



* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Evtroutine Handling(#Button.Click)

#SYS_WEB.Alert Caption('Big button was clicked.')



produces a result like this:

This property is in the Business Object Instance List tab.