4.20 Multilingual Special Entries

In a multilingual partition, multilingual special entries may be specified for each language that is defined within the partition. Multilingual special entries are the descriptions to display on the process menu.

The steps involved in reviewing or changing multilingual special entries are as follows:



1. Select the option to "Review or       |          |

   change multilingual special entries"  | PROCESS  |

   from the process definition menu.     |DEFINITION|

                                         |   MENU   |




2. Working from the resulting display    |            |

   review or change the multilingual     |   REV/CHG  |

   special menu entries for each         |MULTILINGUAL|

   language group defined in the         |  SPECIAL   |

   partition.                            |  ENTRIES   |



Also see

4.20.1 Multilingual Special Entries Maintenance