Add a parameter called InvocationStatus in the Authenticate method. This parameter receives an object of type ExternalServiceInvocationStatus, which we previously defined.
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#ExternalServiceInvocationStatus) Name(#InvocationStatus) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE) Mandatory(*NULL)
And add the following code to read the status from the response object after #Request.DoGet:
* Get the request status
If (#InvocationStatus *IsNot *Null)
#InvocationStatus.FromHttpResponse( #Request.Response )
The complete source code of the Authenticate method after the adjustments (new lines are highlighted in yellow):
Mthroutine Name(Authenticate)
* Parameters
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#PRIM_DC.UnicodeString) Name(#Domain)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#PRIM_DC.UnicodeString) Name(#UserName)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#PRIM_DC.UnicodeString) Name(#Password)
Define_Map For(*RESULT) Class(#PRIM_DC.UnicodeString) Name(#Result)
Define_Map For(*INPUT) Class(#ExternalServiceInvocationStatus) Name(#InvocationStatus) Mandatory(*NULL) Pass(*BY_REFERENCE)
* Variables
Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_UriBuilder) Name(#Url)
Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_HttpRequest) Name(#Request)
Define_Com Class(#XPRIM_RandomAccessJsonReader) Name(#Json)
* Setup the URL's base properties
#COM_SELF.SetupUrlBuilder Urlbuilder(#Url)
* Add the 'authenticate' path component
#Url.AddPathComponent Pathcomponent('authenticate')
* Add the form parameters
#Url.AddQueryString( 'domain' 'syd' )
#Url.AddQueryString( 'username' 'tony' )
#Url.AddQueryString( 'password' 'test' )
* Execute the HTTP request
#Request.DoGet Url(#Url)
* Get the authentication result
#Json.SetSourceHttpResponse( #Request.Response )
#Result := #Json.ReadStringWithName( 'result' )
* Get request status
If (#InvocationStatus *IsNot *Null)
#InvocationStatus.FromHttpResponse( #Request.Response )