Collection of colors used to describe a color gradient
Ancestors - Object (PRIM_OBJT)
BrushColors collects instances of a BrushColor to describe the transition from one color to another in Linear and Radial gradient brushes. This abstraction allows same set of colors to be used on multiple Styles There is no restriction on the number of colors that can be added to a brush.
The sample below changes from red at the start to blue at the end. This is denoted by the use of At(100) on the second color (#BrushColor2). As the transition is uniform the red channel is decremented from 255 to 0 while the blue channel increases from 0 to 255. The result is that at the mid-point the color will be 128:0:128, which is purple. The IDE will manage the creation of styles and brushes. This code is provided for reference purposes.
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Height(457) Width(1169) Style(#Style1) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_VS.Style) Name(#Style1) Backgroundbrush(#LinearBrush1) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_VS.LinearBrush) Name(#LinearBrush1) Colors(#BrushColors1) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_VS.BrushColors) Name(#BrushColors1) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_VS.BrushColor) Name(#BrushColor1) Color(255:0:0) Parent(#BrushColors1) Define_Com Class(#PRIM_VS.BrushColor) Name(#BrushColor2) At(100) Color(0:0:255) Parent(#BrushColors1) End_Com
Name | Description |
Colors | Collection of colors used in a gradient brush |
ComponentClassName | ComponentClassName is the name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentMembers | ComponentMembers provides access to all the member components of this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentPatternName | ComponentPatternName is used to qualify the class of the component. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentTag | Generic space allowing a value to be stored for the instance Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentType | ComponentType gives you access to the type information about the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
ComponentTypeName | ComponentTypeName is the fully qualified name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Name | Name identifies the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Owner | Owner owns this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Parent | The component instance to which this instance is attached. The visual container for a control or the collector of a set of child instances Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Name | Description |
CreateInstance | CreateInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is created Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
DestroyInstance | DestroyInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is about to be destroyed Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT) |
Febuary 18 V14SP2