Menu container for menu items

Ancestors - Panel (PRIM_PANL) Container (PRIM_CPST) Control (PRIM_CTRL) Object (PRIM_OBJT)


Prim_MD.Menu is a panel designed contain Menu Items.
The Menu items make for easy navigaton between Views, Dialogs and Tab Sheets


This example shows the menu contained in a Pop up panel.
When the down arrow is selected in the app bar the pop up will be displayed with the Menu, allowing for selection of views and dialogs.
Begin_Com Role(*EXTENDS #PRIM_WEB) Theme(#SYS_THEME) Layoutmanager(#LayoutPage)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#LayoutPage)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#Column1) Parent(#LayoutPage) Displayposition(1)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutPageRow1) Parent(#LayoutPage) Displayposition(2)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutPageRow2) Parent(#LayoutPage) Displayposition(1) Height(56) Units(Content)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutPageItem1) Column(#Column1) Manage(#Appbar) Parent(#LayoutPage) Row(#LayoutPageRow2) Sizing(FitToWidth)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutPageItem2) Column(#Column1) Manage(#Menu) Parent(#LayoutPage) Row(#LayoutPageRow2) Sizing(ContentHeight)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutPageItem4) Manage(#ViewContainer) Parent(#LayoutPage) Row(#LayoutPageRow1) Column(#Column1)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#AppbarLayout)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#AppbarLayoutColumn1) Displayposition(1) Parent(#AppbarLayout)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#AppbarLayoutRow1) Displayposition(1) Parent(#AppbarLayout)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#AppbarLayoutItem1) Alignment(CenterRight) Column(#AppbarLayoutColumn1) Flow(Left) Manage(#MenuIcon) Parent(#AppbarLayout) Row(#AppbarLayoutRow1) Sizing(None)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#LayoutMenu)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutMenuRow1) Displayposition(1) Parent(#LayoutMenu)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#LayoutMenuColumn1) Displayposition(1) Parent(#LayoutMenu)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMenuItem2) Alignment(TopLeft) Column(#LayoutMenuColumn1) Manage(#MenuItemDialog2) Parent(#LayoutMenu) Row(#LayoutMenuRow1) Sizing(ContentHeightFitToWidth) Flow(Down)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMenuItem3) Alignment(TopLeft) Column(#LayoutMenuColumn1) Manage(#MenuItemDialog1) Parent(#LayoutMenu) Row(#LayoutMenuRow1) Sizing(ContentHeightFitToWidth) Flow(Down)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMenuItem4) Alignment(TopLeft) Column(#LayoutMenuColumn1) Manage(#ParentItemDialogs) Parent(#LayoutMenu) Row(#LayoutMenuRow1) Sizing(ContentHeightFitToWidth) Flow(Down)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMenuItem6) Alignment(TopLeft) Column(#LayoutMenuColumn1) Manage(#MenuItemView2) Parent(#LayoutMenu) Row(#LayoutMenuRow1) Sizing(ContentHeightFitToWidth) Flow(Down)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMenuItem7) Alignment(TopLeft) Column(#LayoutMenuColumn1) Manage(#MenuItemView1) Parent(#LayoutMenu) Row(#LayoutMenuRow1) Sizing(ContentHeightFitToWidth) Flow(Down)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutMenuItem8) Alignment(TopLeft) Column(#LayoutMenuColumn1) Manage(#ParentItemViews) Parent(#LayoutMenu) Row(#LayoutMenuRow1) Sizing(ContentHeightFitToWidth) Flow(Down)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO) Name(#LayoutPopUp)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Row) Name(#LayoutPopUpRow1) Parent(#LayoutPopUp) Displayposition(1)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Column) Name(#LayoutPopUpColumn1) Parent(#LayoutPopUp) Displayposition(1)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_TBLO.Item) Name(#LayoutPopUpItem1) Alignment(TopLeft) Column(#LayoutPopUpColumn1) Manage(#Menu) Parent(#LayoutPopUp) Row(#LayoutPopUpRow1) Sizing(ContentHeightFitToWidth)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.AppBar) Name(#Appbar) Caption('Title') Displayposition(1) Layoutmanager(#AppbarLayout) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Tabposition(1) Themedrawstyle('Heading2') Width(1200)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.Icon) Name(#MenuIcon) Displayposition(1) Icon('arrow_drop_down') Left(1152) Parent(#Appbar) Tabposition(1) Top(4)
    Define_Com Class(#prim_md.ViewContainer) Name(#ViewContainer) Parent(#COM_OWNER) Displayposition(2) Tabposition(2) Height(744) Width(1200) Top(56)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_VIEW) Name(#View1) Parent(#ViewContainer) Displayposition(1) Tabposition(1) Height(744) Left(400) Width(1200)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_VIEW) Name(#View2) Parent(#ViewContainer) Displayposition(2) Tabposition(2) Height(744) Left(800) Width(1200)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_DLG) Name(#Dialog1) Autoclose(True)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_DLG) Name(#Dialog2) Autoclose(True)
    Define_Com Class(#prim_md.Label) Name(#Label1) Parent(#View1) Caption('View 1') Displayposition(1) Tabposition(1) Top(0) Left(0) Themedrawstyle('Title') Width(360) Height(48)
    Define_Com Class(#prim_md.Label) Name(#Label2) Parent(#View2) Caption('View 2') Displayposition(1) Tabposition(1) Top(0) Left(0) Themedrawstyle('Title') Width(360) Height(48)
    Define_Com Class(#prim_md.Label) Name(#Label3) Parent(#Dialog1) Caption('Dialog 1') Displayposition(1) Tabposition(1) Top(0) Left(0) Themedrawstyle('Title') Width(360) Height(48)
    Define_Com Class(#prim_md.Label) Name(#Label4) Parent(#Dialog2) Caption('Dialog 2') Displayposition(1) Tabposition(1) Top(0) Left(0) Themedrawstyle('Title') Width(360) Height(48)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.Menu) Name(#Menu) Displayposition(1) Parent(#MenuPopUp) Tabposition(1) Width(278) Layoutmanager(#LayoutMenu) Themedrawstyle('ForegroundTheme') Height(232)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.MenuItem) Name(#ParentItemViews) Caption('Views') Displayposition(1) Left(0) Parent(#Menu) Tabposition(1) Top(0) Width(278) Themedrawstyle('ForegroundTheme') Paddingbottom(4) Paddingtop(4)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.MenuItem) Name(#MenuItemView1) Caption('View 1') Displayposition(2) Height(40) Icon('view_quilt') Left(0) Parent(#Menu) Parentitem(#ParentItemViews) Tabposition(2) Top(36) Width(278) View(#View1) Themedrawstyle('ForegroundTheme') Paddingbottom(4) Paddingtop(4)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.MenuItem) Name(#MenuItemView2) Caption('View 2') Displayposition(3) Height(40) Icon('view_quilt') Left(0) Parent(#Menu) Parentitem(#ParentItemViews) Tabposition(3) Top(76) Width(278) View(#View2) Themedrawstyle('ForegroundTheme') Paddingbottom(4) Paddingtop(4)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.MenuItem) Name(#ParentItemDialogs) Caption('Dialogs') Displayposition(4) Left(0) Parent(#Menu) Tabposition(4) Top(116) Width(278) Themedrawstyle('ForegroundTheme') Paddingbottom(4) Paddingtop(4)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.MenuItem) Name(#MenuItemDialog1) Caption('Dialog 1') Displayposition(5) Height(40) Icon('view_quilt') Left(0) Parent(#Menu) Parentitem(#ParentItemDialogs) Tabposition(5) Top(152) Width(278) Dialog(#Dialog1) Themedrawstyle('ForegroundTheme') Paddingbottom(4) Paddingtop(4)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_MD.MenuItem) Name(#MenuItemDialog2) Caption('Dialog 2') Displayposition(6) Height(40) Icon('view_quilt') Left(0) Parent(#Menu) Parentitem(#ParentItemDialogs) Tabposition(6) Top(192) Width(278) Dialog(#Dialog2) Themedrawstyle('ForegroundTheme') Paddingbottom(4) Paddingtop(4)
    Define_Com Class(#PRIM_PPNL) Name(#MenuPopUp) Layoutmanager(#LayoutPopUp) Height(234) Left(460) Top(311)
        Evtroutine Handling(#MenuIcon.Click)
            #MenuPopUp.ShowPopup Context(#MenuIcon)


BusyUpdatesBusyUpdates specifies how the control updates itself Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
BusyUpdatesOfParentBusyUpdatesOfParent specifies whether the parent controls updates Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
CanFocusCanFocus returns a value indicating whether the control can receive keyboard focus Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ComponentClassNameComponentClassName is the name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentControlsComponentControls is a collection of all the controls contained in this component. Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
ComponentMembersComponentMembers provides access to all the member components of this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentPatternNameComponentPatternName is used to qualify the class of the component. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentTagGeneric space allowing a value to be stored for the instance Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentTypeComponentType gives you access to the type information about the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentTypeNameComponentTypeName is the fully qualified name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
CursorCursor sets the cursor image Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
DesignManagerReference to a Design Manager instance for this panel Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
DisableNoScrollDisableNoScroll controls whether scroll bars are displayed. Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
DisplayPositionDisplayPosition determines the order in which components are shown Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
DragStyleDragStyle determines how a component can be dragged Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
EnableChildrenEnableChildren specifies if the parent sets the Enabled property of child components Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
EnabledEnable activates/deactivates the component Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
FixedPositionFix the control position so that it does not move if the parent is scrolled Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
FocusFocus tells whether the component has focus Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
FocusedStyleReference to a style to be applied when the control is focus Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
FocusedStylesCollection of styles to be applied when the control is focus Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HandleReturns the Windows handle in desktop applications Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HeightThe height of the control in pixels Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintCaption displayed when the mouse hovers over the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintPopupHintPopup allows a PopupPanel instance to be used instead of the default hint text box Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintShowEnabled or disable the appearance of hints Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintShowOfParentDelegate hints appearance to the parent control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HintTitleHintTitle defines the text shown at the top of the hint window in emphasized text Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
HorizontalScrollShow the horizontal scroll bar Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
HorizontalScrollIncHorizontalScrollInc specifies the pixel increment for horizontal scroll bar. Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
HorizontalScrollPosHorizontalScrollPos sets the position of the horizontal scroll bar Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
HorizontalScrollRemainderSpecifies the pixels remaining to the right of the current scroll position Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
ImageRepository enrolled image to show in the control Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
ImageAlignmentPosition of the image within the panel Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
IsAnimatingIsAnimating indicates that a control is currently being animated Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
IsRealizedTrue if the control is currently realized Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
LayoutManagerReference to a layout manager used to control the position of child controls Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
LeftPosition of the control relative to the left boundary of its parent Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ModifiedModified indicates that the contents of the component have changed Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseOverMouseOver determines whether the mouse is directly over a control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseOverPartTrue if the cursor is within the bounds of a child component Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
MouseOverStyleMouseOverStyle defines the style to be applied to a control when the mouse is over it Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseOverStylesMouseOverStyles is a collection of styles to be applied to a control when the mouse is over it Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
NameName identifies the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
OpacityOpacity denotes the appearance of a control in terms of its interaction with its background Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
OwnerOwner owns this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ParentReference to the control in which this control is visually positioned Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PopupPopup allows a PopupPanel instance to be used instead of the typical right click popup menu Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PopupMenuReference to a PopupMenu to be shown on a right click Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PrivateStyleStyle applied to the control but not inherited by child controls Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
PrivateStylesCollection of styles applied to the control but not inherited by child controls Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
RenderStyleRender content as DirectX or defer to the parent control Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
RotationRotation allows a control to rotate a number of degrees about a given origin Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
RotationOriginLeftRotationOriginLeft defines the left coordinate of an imaginary point around which a control will rotate Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
RotationOriginTopRotationOriginTop defines the top coordinate of an imaginary point around which a control will rotate Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleHeightScaleHeight is the percentage of the height to use in the visual appearance of a control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleOriginLeftScaleOriginLeft defines the left coordinate of an imaginary point from which a control will scale Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleOriginTopScaleOriginTop defines the top coordinate of an imaginary point from which a control will scale Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleWidthScaleWidth is the percentage of the width to use in the visual appearance of a control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScreenLeftScreenLeft sets the distance from the left of the screen Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScreenTopScreenTop sets the distance from the top of the screen Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScrollLeftLeft position of a horizontally scrolled child control relative to its parent control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScrollTopTop position of a vertically scrolled child control relative to its parent control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ShowSelectionShow selection when the control does not have focus
SkewLeftSkewLeft defines the angle at which to skew the control horizontally Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SkewOriginLeftSkewOriginLeft defines the left coordinate of an imaginary point from which a control will skew Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SkewOriginTopSkewOriginTop defines the top coordinate of an imaginary point from which a control will skew Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SkewTopSkewTop defines the angle at which to skew the control vertically Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
StyleStyle defines the style to be applied to a control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
StylesCollection of styles to be applied to the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TabPositionTabPosition sets the order of focus when the Tab key is used Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TabStopSet to false to stop focus being given to the control via the Tab key Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ThemeBackgroundThemed background for Material Design themed applications Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
ThemeDrawStyleName of the Theme DrawStyle to be applied to the panel Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
ThemeStyleSpecifies how theme usage is determined Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
TopPosition of the control relative to the top boundary of its parent Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchMoveDetermines how the control will respond to touch move processing Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchRotateDetermines how the control will respond to touch rotation Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchScaleDetermines how the control will respond to touch scaling Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchSizeDetermines whether a control can be resized Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
VerticalScrollShow the vertical scroll bar Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
VerticalScrollIncVerticalScrollInc specifies the pixel increment for vertical scroll bar. Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
VerticalScrollPosVerticalScrollPos sets the position of the vertical scroll bar Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
VerticalScrollRemainderSpecifies the pixels left to the botom from the current scroll position Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
VisibleShow or hide the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
VisualStyleVisualStyle sets the appearance Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
VisualStyleOfParentAdopt the Visual style from the parent control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
WidthWidth of the component in pixels Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)


AnimationEndedFired when an animation is ended Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ClickFired when the mouse is clicked on the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Origin, Handled
CreateInstanceCreateInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is created Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
DesignChangedFired when the a design is activated Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Design, DesignManager
DestroyInstanceDestroyInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is about to be destroyed Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
DoubleClickFired when the user double clicks Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Origin, Handled
DragDropFired on mouse up to signify the end of a drag process Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PosX, PosY, Source, Payload, AggregatedSource, Origin, Handled, DragResult
DragOverFired during the drag and drop process when the cursor moves over the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
PosX, PosY, Source, Payload, DragState, AcceptDrop, DragCursor, ShowDropHilight, AggregatedSource, Origin, Handled
EndDragFired when the drag and drop process has completed Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Source, Payload, DragResult, AggregatedSource, Origin, Handled
EnterFired when the Enter key is pressed Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
KeyCode, Char, IsAltDown, IsControlDown, IsShiftDown, Handled
InitializeFired after a component has been realized for the first time Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ItemCollapsedFires when a menu parent item is collapsed
ItemExpandedFires when a menu parent item is expanded
KeyPressFired when a key is pressed on the keyboard Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
KeyCode, Char, IsAltDown, IsControlDown, IsShiftDown, Handled
MouseEnterThe mouse has entered the bounds of the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MouseHoverThe mouse has hovered over the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Origin, Handled
MouseLeaveThe mouse has left the bounds of the control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScrollChangedFired when the scrollbars in a composite control are moved Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
SizeChangedFired when the size of the panel is changed Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
StartDragFired when the user starts a drag and drop process Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Source, Payload, Continue, DragList, AggregatedSource, Origin, Handled
TouchChangeFired repeatedly between the TouchStart and TouchEnd boundaries to provide details of the touch events Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
MoveLeft, MoveTop, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, Rotation, Continue
TouchEndFired when the user stops touching the screen Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TouchStartFired when the user first makes physical contact with the screen Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Origin, TouchMove, TouchRotate, TouchScale, TouchSize


FadeInAnimate from invisible to visible Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Duration, Delay
FadeOutAnimate from visible to invisible Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Duration, Delay, Visible
HorizontalScrollToSet the horizontal scroll position using a child control Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
Control, ScrollPosition
MoveFromMove a control from the specified position to the current position Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Left, Top, Duration, Delay
MoveToAnimate a move from the specified number of pixels Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
Left, Top, Duration, Delay
RealizeCreates the visual portion of dynamically created controls Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleAnimate a change of scale Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, Duration, Delay
SetFocusSets the control to be the focus control Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
ShowMessagesLANSA Internal Use Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
TransitionAnimate the change from one control to another Inherited from Container (PRIM_CPST)
From, To, TransitionType, Duration, Delay
UnrealizeDestroys the visual portion of dynamically created controls Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
UpdateDisplayUpdateDisplay updates the display immediately Inherited from Control (PRIM_CTRL)
VerticalScrollToSet the vertical scroll position using a child control Inherited from Panel (PRIM_PANL)
Control, ScrollPosition

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

V14SP2 April 2018