Appearance (PRIM_VS.Appearance)

Application Level styles

Ancestors - Object (PRIM_OBJT)


The Appearance properties specify the styles to be applied to controls by default.
Appearance has been superseded by Themes
Appearance is published for backward compatibility purposes only.


CalendarStyle to be applied to all calendar controls
CheckBoxStyle to be applied to all check boxes
ComboBoxStyle to be applied to all combo boxes
ComponentClassNameComponentClassName is the name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentMembersComponentMembers provides access to all the member components of this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentPatternNameComponentPatternName is used to qualify the class of the component. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentTagGeneric space allowing a value to be stored for the instance Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentTypeComponentType gives you access to the type information about the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
ComponentTypeNameComponentTypeName is the fully qualified name of the component's class. Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
DateTimeStyle to be applied to all date time controls
DropDownFocusedStyle to be used for the focus item in all dropdowns
DropDownFocusedInactiveStyle to be used for the focus item in all dropdowns when inactive
DropDownMouseOverStyle to be used for mouseover of items in dropdowns
DropDownSelectedStyle to be used for the selected focus items in all dropdowns
DropDownSelectedInactiveStyle to be used for the selected focus items in all dropdowns when inactive
EditStyle to be applied to all edits
GridStyle to be applied to all grids
GridFocusedStyle to be applied to the focus item of a grid when active
GridFocusedInactiveStyle to be applied to the focus item of a grid when inactive
GridMouseOverStyle to be applied to grid items on mouseover
GridSelectedStyle to be applied to selected grid items when the grid is active
GridSelectedInactiveStyle to be applied to selected grid items when the grid is inactive
GroupBoxStyle to be applied to all group boxes
ImageStyle to be applied to all image controls
LabelStyle to be applied to all labels
ListStyle to be applied to all lists
ListBoxStyle to be applied to all listboxes
ListBoxFocusedStyle to be applied to the focus item of a listbox when active
ListBoxFocusedInactiveStyle to be applied to the focus item of a listbox when inactive
ListBoxMouseOverStyle to be applied to listbox items on mouseover
ListBoxSelectedStyle to be applied to selected listbox items when the listbox is active
ListBoxSelectedInactiveStyle to be applied to selected listbox items when the listbox is inactive
ListFocusedStyle to be used for the focus item in all Lists (Prim_List)
ListFocusedInactiveStyle to be used for the focus item in all Lists (Prim_List) when inactive
ListMouseOverStyle to be used for mouseover of items in Lists (Prim_List)
ListSelectedStyle to be used for the selected focus items in all Lists (Prim_List)
ListSelectedInactiveStyle to be used for the selected focus items in all Lists (Prim_List) when inactive
ListViewStyle to be applied to all list views
ListViewFocusedStyle to be applied to the focus item of a listview when active
ListViewFocusedInactiveStyle to be applied to the focus item of a listview when inactive
ListViewMouseOverStyle to be applied to listview items on mouseover
ListViewSelectedStyle to be applied to selected listview items when the listview is active
ListViewSelectedInactiveStyle to be applied to selected listview items when the listview is inactive
MemoStyle to be applied to all memos
NameName identifies the component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
OwnerOwner owns this component Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
PanelStyle to be applied to all panels controls
ParentThe component instance to which this instance is attached. The visual container for a control or the collector of a set of child instances Inherited from Object (PRIM_OBJT)
PopupStyle to be applied to all popups controls
ProgressBarStyle to be applied to all progress bars
PushButtonStyle to be applied to all push buttons
RadioButtonStyle to be applied to all radio buttons
SpeedButtonStyle to be applied to all toolbar buttons
SpinEditStyle to be applied to all spin edit controls
TabStyle to be applied to all tab folders
TileStyle to be applied to all Tile controls
TileFocusedStyle to be used for Tile items when focus
TileFocusedInactiveStyle to be used for Tile items when focus and the Tile itself isn't focus
TileMouseOverStyle to be used for Tile items on mouse enter
TileSelectedStyle to be used for Tile items when selected
TileSelectedInactiveStyle to be used for Tile items when selected and the Tile itself isn't focus
TrackBarStyle to be applied to all trackbars
TreeStyle to be applied to all treeviews
TreeFocusedStyle to be applied to the focus item of a treeview when active
TreeFocusedInactiveStyle to be applied to the focus item of a treeview when inactive
TreeMouseOverStyle to be applied to treeview items on mouseover
TreeSelectedStyle to be applied to selected treeview items when the treeview is active
TreeSelectedInactiveStyle to be applied to selected treeview items when the treeview is inactive
TreeUDCStyle to be applied to all Tree controls
TreeUDCFocusedStyle to be used for Tree items when focus
TreeUDCFocusedInactiveStyle to be used for Tree items when focus and the Tree itself isn't focus
TreeUDCMouseOverStyle to be used for Tree items on mouse enter
TreeUDCSelectedStyle to be used for Tree items when selected
TreeUDCSelectedInactiveStyle to be used for Tree items when selected and the Tree itself isn't focus


CreateInstanceCreateInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is created Inherited from Appearance (PRIM_VS.Appearance)
DestroyInstanceDestroyInstance is signalled when an instance of a component is about to be destroyed Inherited from Appearance (PRIM_VS.Appearance)

See also

All Component Classes

Technical Reference

Febuary 18 V14SP2